By Bill Taber
Some people choose careers based on how much they’ll make, what opportunities they’ll have, or the flexibility. Not me. I became a financial advisor because I’m hooked on helping people so they can send their kids to college, retire early, buy that long-dreamed-of luxury, or be free from financial worry. I do this because there’s nothing like seeing million-dollar smiles on my clients’ faces.
Where it Began
The first time I saw that kind of smile was on my father’s face (one of my first clients)! He worked hard his whole life, traveling hundreds of miles a week selling livestock feed to farmers. His work was hogs, cattle, market reports, weather forecasts, gas prices, and grocery bills, not investments. All he wanted out of retirement was to have enough money to live his small-town life comfortably and feel financially secure. Unfortunately, all he had to his name were savings accounts and certificates of deposit. Through the years, he watched his expenses grow as his income stagnated.
I came alongside him, as I do all my clients, to help him find ways to increase his investment income, making his money work as hard as he did. It’s hard to describe the feeling of pride I had when he was able to live the life he dreamed of. It seems like such a small thing now, using some of that college education he paid for to help him out, but it made a world of difference in his life. That’s why I do what I do, day in and day out—to make that kind of life-changing impact for everyone who walks through the doors of TABER Asset Management.
The Timeline
Now that we’ve taken care of the philosophy, here’s how it all happened. I graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and spent decades building experience and knowledge by working as a corporate services representative for Bankers Trust Company, an Assistant Vice President of E.F. Hutton & Co., and a First Vice President of Principal Financial Securities.
In 1998, I branched out to form a Registered Independent Advisory (RIA) firm, TABER Asset Management, to provide unparalleled client service and high-quality comprehensive financial management services for my clients. As a relationship-based firm, our mission is to customize our investment portfolios, advice, and planning to each client and their dreams, goals, and needs.
It’s Time to Start
Today, as President of TABER Asset Management, I feel that same jolt of fulfillment that I experienced with my father when I have the privilege of helping my clients reach a financial goal or celebrate a milestone. We want you to know what that feels like! Get started today by scheduling a 15-minute intro phone call online or reaching out to us at 515-557-1860 or invest@taberasset.com.
About Bill
Bill Taber is President and Founder of TABER Asset Management, an independent, fiduciary investment management firm that strives to do one thing well: manage their clients’ money by creating wealth, building wealth, growing income, and preserving capital so they can experience financial freedom. With more than four decades of experience, Bill is dedicated to building relationships with his clients and their families and walking alongside them as they navigate financial decisions. His favorite days are the ones when he gets to witness the joy and relief on his clients’ faces when they realize they can pursue their dreams and live their ideal lifestyles. Bill is known for going the extra mile, getting things done with integrity, and working with a stewardship mentality.
Bill graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and fell in love with the profession when he got to help one of his first clients—his father—turn his lifetime of hard work into a dream retirement. He got his start in the industry as a Corporate Services Representative for Bankers Trust Company and spent decades working as Assistant Vice President of E.F. Hutton & Co. and First Vice President of Principal Financial Securities. He is also a graduate of the E-Myth Worldwide Mastery Business Development Program and is Series 65 registered.
In his spare time, Bill enjoys giving back to his community and served 11 years as a member of the Board of Trustees of Broadlawns Medical Center and 14 years as a Community Representative to their Board Finance Committee. He was also one of the founding members of the Greater Des Moines Connections Mentoring Program. When he’s not working, you can often find Bill spending time with his family and participating in one of his many hobbies, which include traveling to national parks, presidential libraries, and foreign countries; reading non-fiction; gardening; and practicing yoga, Pilates, and meditation. He also loves the simple joys of listening to music, going for walks or bike rides, and watching James Bond 007 films and any movie starring his favorite actress, Meryl Streep. To learn more about Bill, connect with him on LinkedIn.