401K Rollover
Ensuring Your 401K Continues to Work for You
When we start talking about 401ks, it doesn’t take long to find yourself digging deep and heading down a number of rabbit holes to gain a complete understanding of your investments. Most traditional 401ks are employer-sponsored and directed, meaning you’re somewhat constrained to the investment decisions that your employer makes in regards to the 401k itself.
While you remain with your current employer, our fiduciary approach provides you with ongoing consults to help you select the best funds for investment within your existing 401k plan. After leaving your employer, we may consolidate and simplify it into one self-directed IRA. Self-directed IRAs mean that you have a much broader scope of investments that you can choose from, including individual securities, certificates of deposit, and other fixed-income investments. Having the ability to invest in what you know and understand means that you have the opportunity to harness the effects of compounding interest to help both generate and grow your long-term wealth.
Rolling over your 401k to a self-directed IRA can also allow you to take advantage of a number of tax advantages, including tax-deferred gains and tax deductions for future contributions. Self-directed IRAs remain protected under federal bankruptcy laws as well, so you can ensure that your hard-earned assets are protected from creditors. It should also be noted that IRAs can be passed to future generations (Beneficiary IRAs) so you’re able to take care of yourself as well as the generations that follow.
The fiduciary advisors at TABER Asset Management will work closely with you to determine the path best for your specific situation and based on your unique financial goals. We will work with you to not only develop a personalized plan but make sure that you understand how it is invested so that you can be in-tune with your money. Our core focus is building and preserving your wealth and assets, and creating a plan to achieve both of those through mutual understanding and collaboration is what sets us apart from other financial services companies.